UniqueByZinique LLC Policies
1. All orders that are customized require a design confirmation from the customer. This will be sent out via email from UniqueByZinique LLC. Any email left with no response after 24 hours will grant UniqueByZinique LLC permission to proceed as necessary with an order.
2. When uploading a photo, we ask that the customer uploads a photo in the best quality possible, as a photo in bad quality and/or low resolution will be blurry when added. UniqueByZinique LLC is not responsible for any photo that may be blurry on a product or uploaded by a customer.
3. UniqueByZinique LLC reserves the right to use any item and/or order for but not limited to; product photos, advertisement, social media post, etc., including but not limited to; a personalized/customized item, an item that displays a personal photo in anyway, personal designs, business logos, etc. If a customer is not comfortable with their item and/or order being used, it is the customer's responsibly of contacting UniqueByZinique LLC at the follow email address, uniquebyzinique@hotmail.com, within 48 business hours of placing an order.